Generate Test Coverage by Feature (Folder) with Slather

Continue with Slather to generate test coverage reports for Xcode projects & hook it into CI, and from time to time you wonder how to generate the test for only your features which are contributed by you or your team. [Read More]
Tags: swift, objective-c, objc, ios, Unit, test, asynchronous, time-out, expectation

Open deeplink in iOS UI Test

UI testing is the best way to verify how your iOS application working in Production environments and how it looks like when integrating with other services! [Read More]
Tags: swift, objective-c, objc, ios, ui, test, open, deeplink, url, universal, link

Way to approach Unit Tests in iOS development

🌡 Unit Tests I and you and many developers are too familiar with this level of testing, someone might know, someone might doing it everyday. But how to do it productivity? How to do it in a saving time? then it gonna need you practice a lot with Unit Tests. [Read More]
Tags: swift, objective-c, objc, ios, unit, test, TDD, dependency, injection, di, xcode, BDD, FIRST, state, return, interation

0x8badf00d - "ate bad food" 🤮

Someday you go to the office and immediately you get a message from you boss that telling you the app got some weird crashes with the logs look like below: [Read More]
Tags: swift, objective-c, xcode, ios, crash, 2343432205, ate, bad, food, exception, watchdog, timeout, leaking, background, task, SPRINGBOARD

How to measure loading time for iOS app?

There is a simple trick to show your app loading time included dylib loading time, rebase/binding time, ObjC setup time, initializer time, … [Read More]
Tags: swift, objective-c, xcode, ios, loading, time, start-up, cold-start

Translating 'hidden' symbol names back to their original names by using atos + dSYM?

Problems As we know that sometimes we got a crash with its stack trace which contains only the address on memories of some objects or some methods, without any line number of your implementation, then how we can indicate which part in your project raises the crash? [Read More]
Tags: swift, objective-c, xcode, ios, crash, address, memory, atos, dSYM, log, stack, trace, line, number

How to mock a completion block in OCMock?

Problems My dependency has a completion block, and inside the implementation of that block I do some logics, so how my test needs to make sure it calls all the logics? [Read More]
Tags: objective-c, xcode, ios, test, OCMock, completion, block, NSInvocation, OCMStub