🏞 Render images screenshot App Review with simulator 📱

➡️ You’re able to use + S with Simulators.

➡️ Or you can use io in simctl, following these commands:

xcrun simctl io booted screenshot

🎞 Render videos with simulator 📱


1️⃣ Launch your simulator

2️⃣ Run this

xcrun simctl io booted recordVideo input.mp4

3️⃣ It’s recording what you do on the simulator 4️⃣ To stop: + C 5️⃣ It created a video within the folder you were runing the command.

⚙️ Troubleshouting

📛 App preview dimensions should be: 1920x1080, 1080x1920 or App preview dimensions should be: 1920x886, 886x1920

screen shot 2019-03-03 at 11 30 30 am

You need install ffmpeg:

brew install ffmpeg

And then:

For 6.5-inch Display:

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -acodec copy -crf 12 -vf scale=886:1920,setsar=1:1 output.mp4

For 5.5-inch Display:

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -acodec copy -crf 12 -vf scale=1080:1920,setsar=1:1 output.mp4

To double check your video’s resolution is right:

ffprobe -v error -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=width,height -of csv=s=x:p=0 output.mp4

📛 One or nore of your app previews have audio that is not two-channel, no-surround stereo. For more information, see the Developer Help.

screen shot 2019-03-03 at 11 30 12 am

It means your video is silient, we need to add a sound background for the video by using iMovie

You might need this background sound, download the background sound here sound.mp3 or you can download from Bensound

After download the sound, you need to drag it into iMovie and do the Share to a file.

  • OR you can use that file with this command:

ffmpeg -i output.mp4 -i sound.mp3 -filter_complex " [1:0] apad " -shortest output_with_sound.mp4

  • OR you might need to change frame rate to 30fps, following the step below 👇

📛 The frame rate of one or more of your app previews is too high. For more information, see the Developer Help.

screen shot 2019-03-04 at 10 19 14 pm

Frame rate should be: 30fps

ffmpeg -i output.mp4 -filter:v fps=fps=30 output_with_frame_rate.mp4

📛 One or more of your app previews couldn’t be saved. Try again. If the problem persists, contact us.

screen shot 2019-03-04 at 10 52 51 pm

Basically we need to change these settings:

  • Video Codec (FPS): H.264(x264)

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac output.mp4

  • Video Framerate (FPS): 30

ffmpeg -i output.mp4 -filter:v fps=fps=30 output_with_frame_rate.mp4

  • Audio Codec: AAC (Core Audio)
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:a copy output.mp4

  • Audio Mixdown: Stereo

  • Audio Sample rate: 44.1

  • Audio Bitrate: 256


✅ A good is video is shorter than 30 seconds

⚠️ iTunes Connect accepts Safari to upload videos.

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