Last time I already introduced to how to localized in a simple project:

Now I will show you how to localize from your CocoaPods dependences!

The simple way how you get the localized string:

let string = NSLocalizedString("Geek is stupid", comment: "")

This statement will using main bundle to load all *.lproj files, but if you load from you CocoaPods it is not main bundle anymore! 😱

Cool, so if I have a library with the name is: YourCocoaPodsDependenceName, so we might to do 3 things:

######1. Add a global localized string method:

static func localizedStringForKey(_ key: String, comment: String) -> String {
  let bundleClass = Bundle(for: YourCocoaPodsDependenceName.self)
  let bundlePath = bundleClass.path(forResource: "YourCocoaPodsDependenceName", ofType: "bundle")!
  let bundle = Bundle(path: bundlePath)!
  let string = bundle.localizedString(forKey: key, value: nil, table: nil)
  return string

######2. Using localizedStringForKey(_: comment:) instead of NSLocalizedString:

let string = localizedStringForKey("Geek is stupid", comment: "")

######3. Hold on, we might to update the *.podspec to tell CocoaPods that we are adding a bundle:

s.resource_bundle = { "YourCocoaPodsDependenceName" => ["YourCocoaPodsDependenceName/**/*.lproj"] }

Time to 🚀🚀🚀!